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Uncover Your Purpose: Choose Abundant Life

How do you define a Black woman? There are many adjectives society attaches to us that don’t embrace the complexities of who we are at our hearts. We have a history of oppression, discrimination, and abuse, but those wounds do not define us, either. The movie and television characters that are made to look like us, are still only skin deep. God fashioned each one of us in a unique way, creating us with a special purpose, which is at the heart of living the abundant life. The pain and wounding we receive along the way covers that purpose with darkness and it is replaced with a life of fear, anger, and hatred, the equivalent of living while dead. We are confronted with a choice: Life or Death?
The character Angie Grier in my short story, Choose Life, struggles with this very same choice. Listen in as she comes to her decision: “She put her face against the cold stone (grave stone) then she lifted her eyes to the clear sky. ‘I let it all go, Lord. Oh Jesus, forgive me or let me die!’ She put her face against the stone again. It wasn’t long before she felt a gentle whisper in her soul: ‘Your sins are forgiven’.” Life means forgiveness. Forgiveness is on the road to wholeness.
Angie is a fictional character, but you are not. Choose the way of Life, my dear friends. Forgiveness is just the beginning of uncovering your purpose. If you need assistance in this process, write me. I live to serve.
“I (God) call heaven and earth as witnesses against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose Life.” Deuteronomy 30:19


  • Thanks for this post. I would count Hellerman’s new book as a hopeful shift in the Church’s uncritical embrace of the secular leadership culture. I’m not sure I can add to the great insights already posted here in the comments, but I think there’s 1 other factor in people keeping quiet about toxic leaders – they genuinely believe they are responding in submission, or that leaving gracefully is somehow a more &#a8r0;ch2isti2n” response. We’ve not done a good job of modeling healthy Christ-like confrontation, as Jesus encouraged in Matthew 18:15.

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